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March 15, 2005

Post-Spring Break

I have not said anything in a long time... so here's an overdue update.

Last week was Spring Break. I spent the week in Vancouver with Frances. It was super awesome. I'm in the middle of painting right now so I'm too distracted to be able to go into lots of detail, but suffice it to say it was the best Spring Break ever, and it was certainly the best vacation I've had since going to Japan. Even if not for the fact that I was with Frances, Vancouver was a really cool place. But being with my girlfriend just made it immeasurably better. So yea, I had a good time.

I also planned the remainder of the chickens I'm going to attempt to paint this semester. I planned 8 more, which would bring the total to 16. I highly doubt that it is possible to do 8 more, but I will try. A more realistic number is 5 more... but I always like to aim high. I'm just about finished the Sultan, and I've prepared the Aztec and the Bolshevik so they are ready to go. I have to do 2 chickens a week to meet my 8 chickens mark... so really, it's not going to happen. We'll see what I can do though.

Igor has become much more lively. I'm not sure if that's a result of me leaving him for a week (fear of a second abandoment?) or because it's Spring (mating season?) or because he's able to fly 100% now... but he no longer wants to spend all his time in his cage and would rather be on top of it. He's just about finished molting now and is quite pretty, too, so maybe that has something to do with it.

OK, back to painting. I can't take too many breaks if I want to finish two more chickens this week. ;-)

Posted by dminky at March 15, 2005 09:14 PM

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