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April 04, 2005

Tootsie Roll Pops

I hate Tootsie Roll Pops. I've never liked them. Even in elementary school when we'd get them as rewards, I'd never eat them... I'd just save them in my desk and either someone would steal it or it would melt.

So here I am, today, in the ARC... nothing to do, and there's a bowl of Tootsie Roll Pops on the table. "What's the heck," I thought to myself. "It's been years. Go ahead, have one. Maybe you'll like it by now."

Boy was I wrong. It wasn't all that bad when I was just sucking on the candy part... but now I'm at the chocolate. Gross... Artificial cherry and Tootsie Roll chocolate do not mix. This is really nasty! OK I'm taking it out of my mouth right now.

The aftertaste is so bad that I'm washing my mouth out with Baked Lays and Florida water... two of the most disgusting foods on the planet. Florida water, as you may know from drinking it, is distilled from the farts of the Cuban immigrants forced to work in the Everglades capturing alligators by hand for use in the mini-golf parks that litter this state's roads. Baked Lays, on the other hand, are the only potato chip that tastes distinctly like sushi.

Posted by dminky at April 4, 2005 09:33 PM

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