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March 21, 2005

What Have I Been Up To?

In the near future, you may see things change quite a bit on this website. I'm trying to spend my freetime updating it, changing it, and generally making it better. If you've visited my Japan page recently, you'll see the huge amount of work I've done both to redesign the site and add more information to it (considering that I threw the page together really quickly after returning and never really developed it further after that). Transferring it to post-format really sped things up.

You may have heard that my Japan sketches did a little tour around the prefecture I stayed in. I was also asked a few questions by a newspaper from there about my stay in Japan and my website. So I guess that's another one of the reasons I was concerned about the shitty quality of that page I had up before this new incarnation.

I plan on doing some more design tweaks to the Japan page, as well as redesigning the main blog and the other subpages. I also need to finish updating the humor archive, and then redesign that page as well. The biggest change I want to do to my site is the creation of an online portfolio, stepping away from purely a blog.

It's taking me a while to do because the last time I learned html was back in 1996 and 1997 when I first started playing around with websites. Things have changed quite a bit since then. ;-) So I have to learn a lot of new things, which are really cool the more I learn about them.

I'm spending the rest of my time, of course, working on my thesis. I'm almost done it, and since I worked so hard before Spring break, I can spend a little more time on other things (like this page) now. I only have 4 paintings left to do, and then I need to get all twelve of them framed. I will, of course, scan final version of them. I know a lot of you are waiting to see them. Rest assured it will be worth the wait.

Other things I'm doing include planning for after graduation. I need to fix up my portfolio to show the remainder of the recruiters here at school. I also need to plan for finding a job and a place to live after graduation. I don't know what I will be doing after leaving Florida, but I know that I need to be ready for whatever opportunities come up.

So much to do, and so little time to do it. And I keep getting distracted by browsing wikipedia and google. ;-)

Posted by dminky at March 21, 2005 06:45 PM

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