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February 06, 2005

Where Have I Been?

I don't know if an appology is necessary for not updating much this semester, but I still feel kind of bad. Even if I never said anything important last semester. I'm so incredibly busy with my thesis that I don't think about writing here very often. Or keeping up with email, or anything else like that.

I'd really liek to get a job by the time I graduate, and my parents have put a whole lot of pressure on me to do so (which is not helping one single bit, I can tell you), but so far it's been all bad luck. Of course, bad luck seems to be my best friend most of the time so it's not all that surprising.

Anyway, tomorrow I got to a presentation by Disney Feature Animation (I got rejected by Disney Design Group on Friday) so we'll see if they show any interest in me. With all the CA's applying, it's not too likely, but they do have need for traditional illustrators too, so it's not entirely out of the question.

I'm having the most trouble with my Crusader chicken so far, while my Chinese Emperor, Viking, and Samurai chickens are all nearly complete. I'm sketching out my Turkish Sultan and Robber Baron chickens so I can rotate between those as I continue to fight with my Crusader.

I really miss playing D&D, and I've bought a few online books (dirt cheap!) to prepare for a big campaign I'd like to run this summer (providing my players show some interest and don't just fade away into World of Warcraft or other things like has happened in the past). I've got a lot of awesome stuff planned for it, so hopefully I'll be able to find people to play it who will be just as into it as I am.

My other classes are going OK I guess. I'm kind of disappointed in myself for not coming up with anything to show for my digital video class though. The instructor loved my work last year and I wanted to be able to do some more this semester, but I just don't have the focus. I haven't got any burning stories to film at the moment because I'm so focused on my thesis. It's a pretty bad thing considering how much I want to do film... but what can I say, I enjoy this project a lot and really hope it can get me a job. Hopefully after I graduate I can get together with some friends and try to flesh out some decent video work.

One of these days I'd really like to start playing around with this site and making the blog a little more interesting, seeing as how it's so customizable. I also need to create an online portfolio, too. But there's just too many things I want to do, too many things I need to do first, and hardly any time to do any of them.

Posted by dminky at February 6, 2005 11:20 PM

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