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February 17, 2005

Categories (update)

I've started the long and gruelling task of converting all my old "Humor Pages" into posts. Just a couple every day should make it a possible task to do, perhaps by the end of the month or a bit longer. I've decided not to change their dates just because it seems silly to throw them back to 1998 or '99 when I originally posted most of them. I've noticed that a lot of the jokes are dated, but that's kind of fun.

So in theory, once this is complete the humor archives will be searchable and easier to manage as part of the site.

You'll see I've already switched the "Sections" area of this site around a bit, moving my Japan emails, Artwork, and my Senior Trip pages into post categories. I'll probably put the Japan photos into posts and archive them into that category too (maybe after I'm done with the humor). I also plan on organizing my artwork better (though you can see the beginnings of it by clicking on the Artwork category.

I hope February doesn't become too bogged down with posts considering how many humor posts I will be adding this month. ^_^'' Oh well...

Posted by dminky at February 17, 2005 10:20 PM

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